16b. Darby O'Gollaker

Darby O' Gollaker

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Mr. Haywood remembers a version of this ballad in his account. It's unclear why Place decided not to include it, possibly because he realized it was the same song, as "Morgan Rattler", or at least related to it. As detailed in the entry for Morgan Rattler one printing of the song by Fentum calls the song "Morgan Ratler, or, Darby O'Golicker, A much Admired Irish Song" (in "A Collection of Favorite Songs Sung at the Beef Steak Club and the Anacreontic Society" Bodleian Harding Mus E 516). The song begins "Great boasting of late I've heard of a feat of a comical rake called Morgan Rattler," suggesting that Darby O' Golicker was a sequel to Morgan Rattler.